Femke op bezoek in Ghana!
Voorzitter Femke Joy is twee weken op bezoek geweest bij de bestuursleden en de studenten in Ghana. Een bijzondere ervaring waarbij ze nieuwe studenten heeft leren kennen en langs nieuwe scholen is geweest.
Femke kreeg een heel bijzonder cadeau mee voor de studenten. Jan Willem van den Brandhof van BrainStudio schonk de studenten het boek ‘Learning the Fast Lane’. Het boek gaat over hoe je efficiënt en op een leuke manier kunt leren.
Dit is wat de studenten ervan vonden:
"Hello, I will use this opportunity to thank you for the gift. I’m really grateful. The book has been helpful since I started reading it. I’ve learnt a lot from it. Some of which are: Setting of goals, Making sure I have a positive attitude, and many more. The book entails a lot of materials which is helping me in my studies."
~Edith, dokter in opleiding~
“I have read the book "Learning in the Fast Lane" and it has really enlightened me on how to study and improve my results and still make more time for myself. It has and still helping me on how to use my brain capacity, how to learn faster and how to concentrate best. It's of great help. Thank you!!”
~Clementia, universiteit voor Journalisme~
"In all I learnt how to improve my results and still have time for myself. I’m applying what I learnt from the book and looking forward for an excellent result in my next examination. I pray for long life for you to be able to publish more great books like this. Thank you once more and it would have been so great if I could show my appreciation in person.
~Andrew, universiteit Sociologie en Geografie~